At SIS Canada we build Innovative Thinking Skills by instilling in each student the ability to think creatively and critically. more...
We believe that Positive Personal Awareness is essential to lead a healthy and happy life. more...
We believe that Social Responsibility provides the foundation for healthy relationships and a compassionate society. more...
We believe that strong Language Skills are a fundamental tool for effective communication and that fluency with Digital tools is essential for success in the 21st Century. more...
Green SchoolsTM Canada
SIS Canada is a proud member of Green SchoolsTM Canada. Green SchoolsTM is a collection of elementary, middle and high schools throughout Canada that are committed to educating students on ways to care for and improve our environment. As a member of Green SchoolsTM our students regularly engage on environmental class projects and our teachers share lesson ideas with other schools. As a member of Green SchoolsTM SIS Canada can collaborate with schools across Canada as well as receive awards for carrying our projects.
Our Vision
As we are committed to equipping our students for the demands and opportunities of the 21st century, we provide an environment that nurtures innovative thinking, fosters positive social and self-awareness and builds effective communication skills by offering instruction and curricula that is sensitive to each student’s individual needs and allows for personalization of learning.
Application Package - Online Registration
see - https://sms.myschoolmanagement.com/e/register/ for design idea
Our Guiding Principles
SIS Canada strives to develop each student as a well-rounded person by providing a balanced education.
Innovative Thinking
At SIS Canada we build Innovative Thinking Skills by instilling in each student the ability to think creatively and critically.
Creative Thinking
Creative Thinking means:
What does it look like?
Students are enabled to think creatively through opportunities that allow them to take initiative, exercise choice, explore ideas and options, question and challenge, make connections, and imagine and visualize the possibilities.
How do we make it happen?
Teachers foster creative thinking by welcoming students’ unexpected answers, questions, and suggestions; delaying judgment until students’ ideas have been thoroughly explored and expressed; offering students opportunities to work with diverse materials in various ways; and supporting and scaffolding students as they explore new and unusual ideas.
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking means:
What does it look like?
Our students become critical thinkers when they are asked to formulate questions and gather relevant information. They are taught to consider different points of view, and then determine a judgment or conclusion based on criteria, evidence and experience.
How do we make it happen?
Our teachers foster critical thinking by providing students with challenging and well-defined problems to solve; by guiding them to confront their own beliefs and ideas; by asking them to question, debate, draw distinctions, and perform other thinking tasks; and by encouraging them to develop critical thinking strategies specific to individual subject areas as well as those that can be transferred to new learning contexts.
Positive Self-Awareness
We believe that Positive Personal Awareness is essential to lead a healthy and happy life.
Personal Awareness means:
What does it look like?
Our students are guided to set goals, monitor progress, regulate emotions, respect their own rights and the rights of others, manage stress and persevere in difficult situations. They keep themselves healthy and physically active, are financially literate, demonstrate self-respect and express a sense of personal well-being.
How do we make it happen?
Our teachers foster personal awareness and responsibility by providing students with opportunities to identify their strengths and limitations, to set and monitor their progress toward personal goals, to learn about and practice healthy living, and to reflect on the consequences of their actions on themselves and others.
Social Responsibility
We believe that Social Responsibility provides the foundation for healthy relationships and a compassionate society
Social Responsibility means:
What does it look like?
Our students develop social awareness and responsibility through an environment that values co-operation and collaboration and in which students experience empathy and social well-being. Our students learn to make decisions based on the benefit to all, show respect for everyone’s rights and show empathy and a sense of ethical care as they consider differing views.
How do we make it happen?
Our teachers instill social awareness and responsibility by providing opportunities for students to participate in authentic service initiatives at SIS Canada and in the community, responding to human rights issues, identifying ways of improving the classroom and environments, establishing and maintaining healthy relationships, behaving ethically, and working to identify positive solutions.
Effective Communication Skills
Language Skill
We believe that strong Language Skills are a fundamental tool for effective communication.
Language Skill means
What does it look like?
Our students become competent language and symbol users through activities that allow them to see how language and community are inextricably related. They learn how language shapes culture and culture shapes language.
How do we make it happen?
Our teachers foster the effective use of language and symbols through opportunities for students to create, analyze, interpret, and reflect on ideas presented in written, oral, visual, and digital forms; for informative and imaginative purposes; and both formally and informally within literacy, mathematical, scientific, social and artistic contexts.
Digital Literacy
We believe that fluency with Digital tools is essential for success in the 21st Century.
Digital Literacy means:
What does it look like?
Our students develop digital literacy by activities across the curriculum that incorporate digital literacy and are provided opportunities to engage critically and creatively with digital media. They are also instructed about the privacy, ethical and personal safety issues related to digital media and the implications of these for their futures.
How do we make it happen?
Our teachers foster digital literacy by presenting opportunities for students to develop confidence in their skills, individually and in collaboration with others, and both within and outside the classroom, while encouraging awareness of the ethical, privacy, and safety issues of digital media.
BC Graduation Program (Link)
Employment at SIS Canada (Link)