Hillside Collegiate Sokcho has been fully accredited as a global standard educational institution by the U.S.
Our educational institution has been accredited as a global standard by three prestigious organizations: U.S. Ai (Accreditation International), NCPSA (National Council for Private School Accreditation), and MSA-CESS (Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools). We offer regular courses for kindergarten (KG) students up to elementary school level (G1 to 6). We are currently operating this institution.
힐사이드컬리지잇속초는 세계 최고의 북미커리큘럼에 기반을 둔 K-6 글로벌 스탠다드 국제 교육기관입니다.
미국 Ai(Accreditation International), NCPSA(National Council for Private School Accreditation) 및 MSA-CESS(Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools)로부터 글로벌 스탠다드 교육기관 인증을 받고 유치과정 KG에서 초등과정G1~6까지 정규과정을 운영하고 있습니다.
Here is a link to Ai Accreditation to learn more about that accreditation body.
Accreditation International (Ai),
assures the educational quality of schools and plans for continuous school improvement to increase student learning, by recognizing that Accreditation in Education is for Quality Assurance, Continuous Planning, and Education Development for Students, Parents, and Nations. Accredited schools receive both national and international accreditation
National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA),
a US based international accreditation agency dedicated to accrediting private schools nationally and internationally, in addition NCPSA also accredits 17 external accrediting agencies.
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSACESS),
is a worldwide leader in accreditation and school improvement. With over 125 years of operation, MSACESS has been helping school establish and reach their goals, develop strategic plans, promote staff development and advance student achievement.